Instant access to this FREE MASTERCLASS valued at $997

Instant access to this FREE MASTERCLASS valued at $997

Unlock the secrets to uncapped income and impact in 2024!

You're invited to experience the new era of digital earning and unleashed living by..

Mimi Perron


live masterclass

Discover our 3 step impact and income model to create freedom and wealth in 2022


Unlock the secrets to uncapped income and impact in 2024!

Learn how to create an online income that sustains you while contributing to a better world.

You're invited to experience the new era of digital earning and unleashed living by..

Mimi Perron


live masterclass

Discover our 3 step impact and income model to create freedom and wealth in 2022


Learn how to create an online income that sustains you while contributing to a better world...


You're invited by...

Mimi Perron

To experience this immersive 2 day masterclass as your gateway to a profound transformation of impact, purpose, leadership, and legacy, all achieved through the conscious cultivation of a powerful online business with global influence


You're invited by...

Mimi Perron

To experience this immersive 2 day masterclass as your gateway to a profound transformation of impact, purpose, leadership, and legacy, all achieved through the conscious cultivation of a powerful online business with global influence

This 2 day Free Masterclass will uncover...


Dive deep into a transformative journey towards your vision and future self, where every action from this moment cultivates the money mindset essential for turning those visions into reality.

  • Envisioning Your Dream Life: We'll begin with an inspiring quest to connect with your future self, laying out a vision that encompasses the essence of freedom, wealth, and abundance. Through strategic future pacing, we'll help guide you to visualise the next 90 days into a launching pad for your dream life.
  • Cultivating A Prosperous Money Mindset: We'll share the transformative practices that reframe your financial consciousness, empowering you to attract and maintain wealth on a scale you never imagined possible. It's about reshaping your beliefs to open doors to prosperity.
  • Embracing Unlimited Freedom and Wealth: Discover the keys to a life where freedom and wealth flow effortlessly. Through strategic insights and actionable strategies, learn how to unlock the boundless potential within you and around you, creating a ripple effect of abundance.
  • Legacy Of Abundance: We'll unveil the secrets to crafting a sustainable income stream that not only supports you but also secures an abundant future for generations to come. It’s about building a legacy that embodies the true meaning of wealth and freedom.


Explore why the new era of conscious wealth is a necessity in 2024 and how it creates a generational legacy of abundance for you and your family.

  • Conscious Business Evolution: Immerse yourself in the principles of conscious business evolution, where purpose and profit align seamlessly, creating a life of true freedom
  • Legacy Redefined: Redefine legacy by embracing global reach and impact. Learn how to create a visionary business model that has a significant impact on you, your family and the world at scale
  • ​​Social Media Monetisation with Automation: Harness the power of social media for financial success. Learn strategic automation systems to monetise your online presence effectively

This 2 day Free Masterclass will uncover...


Dive deep into the essence of your life's mission and unlock the secret to creating a purpose-driven journey that makes it rain with uncapped income and impact.

  • Define Your Purpose: Discover the key to aligning your life's mission with your message to the world
  • Legacy Income Mastery: Unlock the secrets to building a sustainable online income stream online that echoes through generations
  • Conscious Business Evolution: Immerse yourself in the principles of conscious business evolution, where purpose and profit align seamlessly, creating true prosperity
  • Global Impact Strategies: Explore actionable strategies to amplify your influence globally, ensuring that the impact you create has global reach
  • ​Social Media Monetisation with Automation: Harness the power of social media for financial success. Learn strategic automation systems to monetise your online presence effectively


Explore why the new era of conscious business is a necessity in 2024 and how it creates a generational wealth and abundance for you and your family.

  • Freedom Business Model Essentials: Delve into the necessity of a freedom business model, an essential ingredient for making it rain with genuine long-term financial and time freedom in the new paradigm
  • Legacy Redefined: Redefine legacy by embracing global reach and impact. Learn how to create a visionary business model that has a significant impact on you, your family and the world at scale

Our visionary leaders are your guides, illuminating the path forward to a life of purpose and impact. Prepare to expand your consciousness and receive the downpour of boundless possibilities.


Jen brings a magnetic spark in her dynamic approach in mentoring aspiring entrepreneurs!

Her approach focuses on conscious wealth, empowering individuals to live more present, empowered, and free lives.

A successful entrepreneur herself, she understands the challenges of self-doubt that often holds us back and passionately works to help others reveal the power in their strength. Known for her high-energy and passion, Jen motivates people to explore their untapped talents and embrace their unique gifts , offering a path to abundance and joy by fully committing to their visions and values.


Six years ago Kristie was broke with a baby on the way. Up until that point she had tried a range of different business models and always found herself in the same place of being a struggling entrepreneur.

At that point Kristie knew she needed to do something different and came across a thriving community and the conscious vehicle we will share with you inside of this masterclass.

She delved in and changed the entire trajectory of her life. Now living a life of financial, time and location freedom and has been able to inspire and activate thousands of people globally with what she shares to follow in those same footsteps.


Clint is a persevering entrepreneur who has explored diverse business ventures in pursuit of success.

Clint overcame self-doubt after a defining moment that utterly transformed his trajectory. His journey speaks to the human capacity to evolve one's perspective and demonstrates that visionary leadership requires grit to withstand setbacks.

His story is a testament to breakthrough after the breakdown - where tenacity and conviction conquer doubt on the path of purpose. He now empowers people to unleash their potential.


Four years ago, Carmen immersed herself in our community, embarking on a new journey to acquire the skills required to build an online business and personal branding.

Her dedication and strategic approach have not only propelled her professional growth but have also enabled her to realise one of her most significant dreams—a picturesque dream home nestled on 96 acres of rolling hills adorned with breathtaking sunsets, horses, cows, dogs, and chickens.

Carmen's success is a shining example of saying yes and learning everything along the way!


Ashleigh's journey has been a quest to find fulfilment and purpose, a path marked by various attempts, from conventional 9-5 jobs and university degrees to personal training and side hustles. Each endeavour left her feeling unfulfilled, burnt out, and financially strained.

She has since transitioned into a role that holds deep significance for her—providing abundantly for her young children while embracing the role of a stay-at-home mum.

Ashleigh’s story serves as an inspiring testament to the power of embracing a life of freedom and the possibilities that emerge when one aligns their actions with their deepest values.


Brooke is an unschooling mom of 2 who was truly walking around in a motherhood slumber. She had a conscious parenting coaching business and while she loved it, she realised she would always have to trade her time for money.

Starting with zero tech skills and so much fear around being able to DO this online business, she dove in anyways - more afraid of staying stuck in a life that was not by her own design than busting through her limitations.

She built a successful business while with her children full time, fitting in the trainings when kids went to bed at night, tripled her families income, started travelling again and breathed life back into her dreams.

Our visionary leaders are your guides, illuminating the path forward to a life of purpose and impact. Prepare to expand your consciousness and receive the downpour of boundless possibilities.


Jen brings a magnetic spark in her dynamic approach in mentoring aspiring entrepreneurs!

Her approach focuses on conscious wealth, empowering individuals to live more present, empowered, and free lives.

A successful entrepreneur herself, she understands the challenges of self-doubt that often holds us back and passionately works to help others reveal the power in their strength. Known for her high-energy and passion, Jen motivates people to explore their untapped talents and embrace their unique gifts , offering a path to abundance and joy by fully committing to their visions and values.


Five years ago Kristie was broke with a baby on the way. Up until that point she had tried a range of different business models and always found herself in the same place of being a struggling entrepreneur.

At that point Kristie knew she needed to do something different and came across a thriving community and the conscious vehicle we will share with you inside of this masterclass.

She delved in and changed the entire trajectory of her life. Now living a life of financial, time and location freedom and has been able to inspire and activate thousands of people globally with what she shares to follow in those same footsteps.


Clint is a persevering entrepreneur who has explored diverse business ventures in pursuit of success.

Clint overcame self-doubt after a defining moment that utterly transformed his trajectory. His journey speaks to the human capacity to evolve one's perspective and demonstrates that visionary leadership requires grit to withstand setbacks.

His story is a testament to breakthrough after the breakdown - where tenacity and conviction conquer doubt on the path of purpose. He now empowers people to unleash their potential.


Four years ago, Carmen immersed herself in our community, embarking on a new journey to acquire the skills required to build an online business and personal branding.

Her dedication and strategic approach have not only propelled her professional growth but have also enabled her to realise one of her most significant dreams—a picturesque dream home nestled on 96 acres of rolling hills adorned with breathtaking sunsets, horses, cows, dogs, and chickens.

Carmen's success is a shining example of saying yes and learning everything along the way!


Ashleigh's journey has been a quest to find fulfilment and purpose, a path marked by various attempts, from conventional 9-5 jobs and university degrees to personal training and side hustles. Each endeavour left her feeling unfulfilled, burnt out, and financially strained.

She has since transitioned into a role that holds deep significance for her—providing abundantly for her young children while embracing the role of a stay-at-home mum.

Ashleigh’s story serves as an inspiring testament to the power of embracing a life of freedom and the possibilities that emerge when one aligns their actions with their deepest values.


Brooke is an unschooling mom of 2 who was truly walking around in a motherhood slumber. She had a conscious parenting coaching business and while she loved it, she realised she would always have to trade her time for money.

Starting with zero tech skills and so much fear around being able to DO this online business, she dove in anyways - more afraid of staying stuck in a life that was not by her own design than busting through her limitations.

She built a successful business while with her children full time, fitting in the trainings when kids went to bed at night, tripled her families income, started travelling again and breathed life back into her dreams.

Here's how our freedom formula has impacted our community

Here's how our freedom formula has impacted our community

Shinarah Enosa

Shinarah was a burnt out mum working a 9-5 and craving more time with her family when she found herself looking for a lifeline and a way out.

Since applying what she’s learned here, Shinarah has been able to pay off all her outstanding debts and live a life she only dreamed of before. Being partnered with a high ticket product has really allowed her to bring her desires to life!

Jimmy and Danielle

Jimmy and Dan came from corporate and music theatre backgrounds respectively. After Jimmy was made redundant 3 times from his corporate roles, the pair decided they’d had enough of trading their time for money while building someone else’s dream.

Fast forward to today, through this incredible opportunity - they’re now able to live location free, spending more time with their family while doing more of the things they love.

Lyndsay Lee

While living in Bali as a health coach, Lyndsay realised that to create true freedom in every area of her life, she needed to leverage the online space and automation.

When she discovered this opportunity, she got to work and started to help hundreds of women just like her from around the world to take their power back, create an impact and gain true freedom simply through leveraging their personal brand.

Shinarah Enosa

Shinarah was a burnt out mum working a 9-5 and craving more time with her family when she found herself looking for a lifeline and a way out.

Since applying what she’s learned here, Shinarah has been able to pay off all her outstanding debts and live a life she only dreamed of before. Being partnered with a high ticket product has really allowed her to bring her desires to life!

Jimmy and Danielle

Jimmy and Dan came from corporate and music theatre backgrounds respectively. After Jimmy was made redundant 3 times from his corporate roles, the pair decided they’d had enough of trading their time for money while building someone else’s dream.

Fast forward to today, through this incredible opportunity - they’re now able to live location free, spending more time with their family while doing more of the things they love.

Lyndsay Lee

While living in Bali as a health coach, Lyndsay realised that to create true freedom in every area of her life, she needed to leverage the online space and automation.

When she discovered this opportunity, she got to work and started to help hundreds of women just like her from around the world to take their power back, create an impact and gain true freedom simply through leveraging their personal brand.

Kelly Moller

Coming from a small town with no experience in the online space, Kelly has been able to achieve massive momentum while travelling Australia full-time with her family.

Kelly attributes a large part of her business growth to the automated systems she is able to leverage through this opportunity.


  • You’re a traditional business owner who desires multiple streams of income and time leverage
  • You’re a network marketer wanting to escape the hustle of low ticket and selling to your friends and family
  • You're a total newbie to the online space and want to learn how to create a high profit business, without being a slave to your phone
  • You're a coach or consultant sick of being on the launch hamster-wheel, forever on sales calls and seeking a more automated business
  • You’re a free spirited traveller who wants to work from anywhere and not have to sacrifice comfort for experience
  • You’re an impact driven soulpreneur who craves a business model that allows you to create real change in people's lives
  • You’re a parent craving the freedom to spend more time together as a family without having to worry about how you’re going to earn an income


  • You’re a traditional business owner who desires multiple streams of income and time leverage
  • You’re a network marketer wanting to escape the hustle of low ticket and selling to your friends and family
  • You're a total newbie to the online space and want to learn how to create a high profit business, without being a slave to your phone
  • You're a coach or consultant sick of being on the launch hamster-wheel, forever on sales calls and seeking a more automated business
  • You’re a free spirited traveller who wants to work from anywhere and not have to sacrifice comfort for experience
  • You’re an impact driven soulpreneur who craves a business model that allows you to create real change in people's lives
  • You’re a parent craving the freedom to spend more time together as a family without having to worry about how you’re going to earn an income


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Copyright 2024 - The Freedom Era - All Rights Reserved | Privacy Policy Terms of Use